Scottish Accent Voiceover

If you’ve been browsing my website, hopefully you’ll have guessed I’m a female Scottish Voiceover Artist and if you haven’t then “Hello, my name’s Blanche Anderson and I’m a Scottish Voiceover Artist”.

But having a ‘Scottish accent’ is a pretty broad term, isn’t it? So where exactly is my Scottish accent from?

Well, my accent is mostly described as ‘neutral Scottish’ meaning it’s not particularly area distinctive and I represent brands across the country and beyond.

But, I’m originally from Fife, which is a region between Edinburgh and Dundee (just thought I’d specify in case your geography is as ropey as mine).

In fact, for ease, let’s do a wee run down of Scottish accents I’m cast for most often:

  • Neutral Scottish Accent

  • Edinburgh Accent

  • Scottish East Coast Accent

  • Scottish Central Belt Accent

  • Fife Accent

  • Perthshire Accent

These Scottish accent descriptions are the ones I see on scripts daily but there’s more to this Scottish gal than meets the ears, because after living in England for over 14 years’ I also voice regularly in a neutral English accent. Often also described as a British Accent or RP. You can see some of my English accent work here.

But for now, let’s keep it to Scotland.

As you’ve seen, my accent covers a range of areas, so if you’re looking for one of those specific accents or more generally a Voice Artist with a Scottish dialect or Scots accent, then you’ve come to the right place.

To book your Scottish voiceover, drop me an email.


Scottish Voice Artist: Testimonials


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