BBC Radio London

21st May Appearance

I was on the radio yesterday. In person. Recording live. On BBC Radio London.

Being on the radio isn't a new thing for me. Radio commercials are my daily work. But being LIVE on the radio... that's a very different thing!

I've spoken on Radio London quite a few times now. First as a participant in their BBC Upload Scheme and most recently as one of their 100 Londoners.

Yesterday's appearance as part of their 'Trends at 12' segment had to be one of my favourite times. I was in the studio in person, which was really lovely. Not only because I was oot the hoose (and my studio, which is SO HOT at the moment!) but it was also great to meet the team.

They also had a fun surprise in store for me, truly putting my voiceover skills to the test... all in all, a huge giggle!!

To have a listen and hear what on earth I'm on about, go to BBC Sounds and listen to Kath Melandri sitting in for Eddie 🎙

(2 hours, 10 mins in)

16th May Appearance

Although my Scottish accent suggests otherwise I've been a proud Londoner for over 10 years now. This year BBC Radio London are following the lives of 100 Londoners to mark their centenary year and yep... you guessed it... I am one of them.

Over the last few months I’ve been on the station talking about a range of topics, from general news about my borough to sharing my all time secret…. I can’t ride a bike!! Shhh don’t tell anyone!!

This morning I joined Eddie Nestor again on BBC Radio London to chat about mental health.

Yes, mental health, that auld thing!

Even with all the conversations around it, it's still something we can overlook, so it was great to share some observations from my own life and also hear a reminder of things we can do to look after ourselves.


Award-Winning Voiceover


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